Who Should Perform the Contract

When it comes to signing contracts, it is essential to know who should be the designated signatory. The person signing a contract is responsible for the agreement`s terms and is legally bound to adhere to those terms. Therefore, it is crucial to make sure that the person signing the contract has the authority and capacity to do so.

Identifying the Right Signatory

The signatory for a contract depends on the type of agreement being signed. It could be an individual, a company or organization, or a representative of an entity. For instance, the signatory could be a business owner, a department head, or a board member. It is essential to clarify the role and responsibilities of the designated signatory to ensure that the contract is appropriately executed.

Individual Contracts

When it comes to individual contracts, the signatory is, undoubtedly, the individual who is entering into the agreement. Therefore, it is essential to make sure that the individual has the legal capacity to sign the contract, especially if they are a minor or have legal issues that may prevent them from entering into an agreement.

Corporate Contracts

When dealing with a corporate entity, the signatory could be an officer, director, or agent of the company, depending on the company`s bylaws or articles of incorporation. It is important to note that not all officers of a corporation have the authority to sign contracts on the company`s behalf. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the person authorized to sign the contract carefully.

Partnership Contracts

Partnership contracts are generally signed by the partners within the firm. A partnership agreement should detail the responsibilities of the partners, including the decision-making process and authority granted to each partner. It is essential to ensure that the designated signatory has the authority to enter into the agreement on behalf of the partnership.

Agency Contracts

When it comes to agency contracts, the signatory could be an individual agent or a representative authorized to sign the agreement on behalf of the agency. It is essential to determine whether the agent has the authority to sign the contract on behalf of the agency or whether it requires approval from a higher authority.


In conclusion, it is essential to identify the designated signatory before entering into any contract. The signatory should have the authority and capacity to enter into an agreement on behalf of the entity they represent. Failure to identify the right signatory could result in a breach of contract, leading to legal complications and financial loss. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the right person signs the contract before proceeding with any agreement.